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Patents, Publications, & Media


US11,400,306 - Gene Dolgoff - Holobeam Technologies Inc.

Priority 2018-05-15 • Filed 2019-05-15 • Published 2020-12-30

US5081110A - Alan A. Alfieri - Sloan-Kettering Institute For Cancer Research

Priority 1986-03-27 • Filed 1988-12-13 • Granted

1992-01-14 • Published 1992-01-14

US5260327A - Alan Alfieri - Sloan-Kettering Institute For Cancer Research

Priority 1985-10-02 • Filed 1992-08-04 • Granted 1993-11-09 • Published 1993-11-09

WO - WO2010123547A1 - Alan A. Alfieri - Albert Einstein College Of Medicine Of Yeshiva University

Priority 2009-04-21 • Filed 2010-04-19 • Published 2010-10-28

EP JP - US4323056A - Joseph N. Panzarino -Corning Glass Works

Priority 1980-05-19 • Filed 1980-05-19 • Granted 1982-04-06 • Published 1982-04-06

US4574782A - Nicholas F. Borrelli - Joseph N. Panzarino - Corning Glass Works

Priority 1981-11-16 • Filed 1983-11-21 • Granted 1986-03-11 • Published 1986-03-11

Holobeam's founder and CEO has been developing  3-D display technologies, covered by the following patents, over many decades.

Further patent applications are in the works.

US - US10298904B1 - Gene Dolgoff

Priority 2009-12-31 • Filed 2016-08-23 • Granted 2019-05-21 • Published 2019-05-21

US CO ZA - US7492523B2 - Gene Dolgoff

Priority 1996-08-16 • Filed 2006-03-17 • Granted 2009-02-17 • Published 2009-02-17

WO US CN JP MX ZA US7457038B2 Gene Dolgoff

Priority 2003-09-22 • Filed 2006-03-21 • Granted 2008-11-25 • Published 2008-11-25

US - US7365908B2 - Eugene Dolgoff

Priority 2001-11-08 • Filed 2002-11-08 • Granted 2008-04-29 • Published 2008-04-29

US CO ZA - US7016116B2 - Eugene Dolgoff

Priority 1996-08-16 • Filed 2001-10-29 • Granted 2006-03-21 • Published 2006-03-21

US - US6392689B1 - Eugene Dolgoff

Priority 1991-02-21 • Filed 1998-10-30 • Granted 2002-05-21 • Published 2002-05-21

US CO ZA - US6310733B1 - Eugene Dolgoff

Priority 1996-08-16 • Filed 1996-12-31 • Granted 2001-10-30 • Published 2001-10-30

US CO ZA - US7646540B2 - Gene Dolgoff

Priority 1996-08-16 • Filed 2009-02-13 • Granted 2010-01-12 • Published 2010-01-12

WO EP US CN JP AU CA SG - SG11202011371QA -  Gene Dolgoff - Holobeam Technologies Inc.

Priority 2018-10-05 • Filed 2019-15-05 • Granted 2022-08-02 •  Published 2021-05-13


Treatment of Canine Oral Melanoma with Nanotechnology-Based Immunotherapy and Radiation

P. Jack Hoopes, Robert J. Wagner, Kayla Duval, Kevin Kang, David J. Gladstone, Karen L Moodie, Margaret Crary-Burney, Hugo Ariaspulido, Frank A. Veliz, Nicole F. Steinmetz, and Steven N. Fiering
Molecular Pharmaceutics 2018 15 (9), 3717-3722
DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.8b00126

Quantification and Biodistribution of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in the Primary Clearance Organs of Mice Using T1 Contrast for Heating

Jinjin Zhang, Hattie L. Ring, Katie R. Hurley, Qi Shao, Cathy S. Carlson, Djaudat Idiyatullin, Navid Manuchehrabadi,

P. Jack Hoopes, Christy L. Haynes, John C. Bischof, and Michael Garwood

Assessment of intratumor non-antibody directed iron oxide nanoparticle hyperthermia cancer therapy and antibody directed IONP uptake in murine and human cells

PJ Hoopes, JA Tate, JA Ogden, RR Strawbridge, SN Fiering, AA Petryk, SM Cassim, AJ Giustini, E Demidenko, R Ivkov, S Barry, P Chinn, and A Foreman

In Vivo Imaging and Quantification of Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Uptake and Biodistribution

P. Jack Hoopes, Alicia A. Petryka, Barjor Gimib, Andrew J. Giustinia, John B. Weavera, John Bischof, Ryan Chamberlaine, and Michael Garwoode

Increased Tumor Control with Tri-Modality Therapy: Lonidamine, Radiation and Hyperthermia

Kim,  J. H., Alfieri, A. A., Kim, S. H., Bravo, S. and Young, C. W.

In: Hyperthermic Oncology-1988, Vol. 1, eds., T. Sugahara and M. Saito, Taylor and Francis, Inc., 226-228, 1989.

Increased cures using Fractionated Exposures of X-irradiation and Hyperthermia in the Local Treatment of the Ridgeway Osteogenic sarcoma in mice.

Hahn, E. W., Alfieri, A. A. and Kim, J. H.

Radiology, 113, 199-202, 1974.

The Relationship between the time of Radiation and Hyperthermia on the Sensitization of an in vivo Mouse Tumor.

Alfieri, A. A., Hahn, E. W.  and Kim, J. H.

Cancer, 36, 893-903, 1975.

The Interaction of Hyperthermia in Combinaation with Fast Neutrons or X-rays on Local Tumor Response.

Hahn, E. W., Canada, T. R., Alfieri, A. A. and McDonald, J. C

Radiation Res., 68, 39-56, 1976.

Single Dose X-irradiation and Concomitant Hyperthermia on a murine  fibrosarcoma.

Hahn, E. W., Alfieri, A. A.  and Kim, J. H.

Cancer, 42, 2591-2595, 1978.

The Significance of Fractionated Regimens in Radiation and Combined Hyperthermia using a murine fibrosarcoma.

Hahn, E. W.,  Alfieri, A. A. and Kim, J.  H.

Cancer, 42, 2596-2599, 1978.

The Significance of the Radiation Dose versus Dose Fractionation when Combined with Local Tumor Hyperthermia.

Hahn, E. W., Alfieri,  A. A. and Kim, J. H.

In: Cancer Therapy by Hyperthermia and Radiation  ed. Christian Streffer, Urban and Schwarzenberg, Inc. Baltimore-Munich,     247-248, 1978.

Multiple Adjuvant Therapy on a murine fibrosarcoma: Actinomycin-D, X-irradiation and Local Tumor Hyperthermia.

Alfieri, A. A., Hahn, E. W., Kim, J. H. and Lehman, D.

Radiology, 129,   225-227, 1978.

The Significance of Local  Tumor Hyperthermia / Radiation on the Production of Disseminated Disease.

Hahn, E. W., Alfieri, A. A. and Kim, J. H.

Int. J. Rad. Oncol. Biol. Phys., 18, 320-327, 1979.

The Role of Cell Mediated Immunity  in Tumor Eradication by Hyperthermia.

Alfieri, A. A., Hahn, E. W. and Kim, J. H.

Cancer Research, 41, 1301-1305,  1981.

Experimental Applications of Hyperthermia and Brachytherapy.

Alfieri, A. A. , Nag, S., Horowitz, B., Hahn, E. W., Kim, J. H. and Hilaris, B. S.

In: Brachytherapy Oncology 1982 - Advances in Lung and Other Cancers, eds., Hilaris, B. S. and Nori, D.,  New York, 91-93, 1982.

Quercetin, an Inhibitor of Lactate transport and a Hyperthermic sensitizer of HeLa cells.

Kim, J. H. , Kim, S. H. , Alfieri, A.A. and Young, C.W.

Cancer Research, 44, 104 - 106, 1984.

Improved response of a Murine fibrosarcoma to Interstitial Radiation when combined with Hyperthermia.

Moorthy, C. R., Hahn, E.W.,   Kim,  J.H., Feingold, S.M.,  Alfieri, A.A. and Hilaris, B.S.

Inter. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol.Phys. 10, 2145 - 2148, 1984.

Lonidamine: A Hyperthermic Sensitizer of HeLa cells in culture and the Meth -A  tumor in vivo.

Kim, J.H., Kim, S.H., Alfieri, A.A., Young, C.W. and Silvestrini, B.

Oncology, 41, Sup. 1, 30 - 35, 1984.

Gossypol a Hyperthermic Sensitizer  of HeLa cells.

Kim,  S. H.,  Kim, J. H., Alfieri, A. A., He, S. and Young, C. W.

Cancer Research, 45, 6338-6340, 1985.

Interaction of  Hyperthermia and Rhodamine -123  in HeLa S-3 cells in Culture.

Kim, J. H., Kim, S. H. and Alfieri, A. A.

Inter. J. Hyperthermia, 3, 247-253, 1985.

Interstitial Hyperthermia and Brachytherapy: A Preliminary Report.

Linares, L., Nori, D., Brenner, H., Shiu, M., Ballon, D., Anderson, L.L.,  Alfieri, A. A., Brennan, M., Fuks, Z. and Hilaris, B. S.

J. Endocurietherapy Hyperthermia Oncol., 2, 39-46, 1986.

Interaction of Hyperthermia and Pentamadine  in HeLa-S3 cells.

Kim, S.  H., Hong, S. S., Alfieri,  A. A. and Kim,  J. H.

Radiation Research, 116, 320-326, 1988

Selective Killing of Glucose-Deprived Hypoxic cells by Hyperthermia. 1. Protection by Purine Ribonucleosides.

Kim, J. H., Kim, S. H., and Alfieri, A. A.

Radiation Research, 116, 337-342, 1988.

Increased Tumor Control with Tri-Modality Therapy: Lonidamine, Radiation and Hyperthermia.

Kim,  J. H., Alfieri, A. A., Kim, S. H., Bravo, S. and Young, C. W.

In: Hyperthermic Oncology-1988, Vol. 1, eds., T. Sugahara and M. Saito, Taylor and Francis, Inc., 226-228, 1989.

Heat Sensitizing  Effects of Pentamadine on HeLa S-3 cells.

Hong, S. S.,  Kim,  S. H., Alfieri, A. A. and  Kim, J. H.

Dokkyo J.  Medical Sciences, 16, 91-101, 1989.

31P NMR Studies of the murine Fibrosarcoma and Mammary carcinoma: Relationship of Tumor Size, pH and High Energy Phosphates with Thermal and Radiation Sensitivity.

Koutcher, J. A., Alfieri, A. A., Barnett, D. C.,  Cowburn, D., Fuks, Z and Kim, J. H.

In: Hyperthermic Oncology-1988,Vol. 2, eds., T. Sugahara and M. Saito, Taylor and Francis, Inc., 287-288, 1989.

Wound Repair after Fractionated External Beam Radiation and Concomitant Hyperthermia in an Experimental Rat Model.

Portnoy, W. M., Moscatello, A, Alfieri, A. A., Hilaris, B. S., Tchelbi, A., Pelton-Henrion, K and McCormick, S.

Cancer, 71(11) 3779-3782, 1993.

Ultrasound-enhanced Autologous in situ Vaccination for Prostate Cancer.

Guha,C.,  Huagang.Zhang , Wohsing Chen ‎; Laibin.Liu ‎; R. Sharma ‎; Alan Alfieri‎, Madhur Garg, Shalom Kalnicki‎, Herb Sun,  Naren Sanghvi.

Cancer Immunology Research, 2013

Localized Hyperthermia Combined with Intratumoral Dendritic Cells Induces Systemic Antitumor Immunity.

Mukhopadhaya, A. Mendecki, J. Dong, X. Liu, L. Kalnicki, S. Garg, M. Alfieri, A. A. Guha. C.

Cancer Research, Aug 15;67 (16):7798-806,  2007.

Can Therapeutic Ultrasound act as a Chemosensitizer by Inducing Unfolded protein response with Activation of apoptotic pathways?

Saha, S., Bhanja, P., Zhang, H., Liu, L., Alfieri, A. and Guha, C.

Int’l. J. Rad. Oncol. Biol and Phys. 78:3, S654-655. November, 2010.

The Identification and Development of Specific Monoclonal Antibodies to Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Myron Arlen, Al Tsang, Joseph Scherrer, Joyce Wolf, and Olga Saric

Department of Surgery, North Shore University Hospital, Manhasset, NY

Glass-Ceramic-Mediated, Magnetic-Field-Induced Localized Hyperthermia: Response of a Murine Mammary Carcinoma

Albert A. Luderer, Nicholas F. Borrelli, Joseph N. Panzarino,

Gerald R. Mansfield, Donna M. Hess, Jacklyn L. Brown, E. Harvey Barnett.

Research and  Development Laboratories, Sullivan Science Park, Corning Glass Work, Corning, New York 14831

Virus Studies

More Publications
by Gene Dolgoff

Reproduction of Transmitted, Pre-recorded, Holographic Television Signals in Color

Westinghouse Science Talent Search Scholarship entry (December 1966)

Holography and Related Modern Electronic and Optical Inventions

New York Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, IEEE Metropolitan Student Paper Contest (April 1968)

Light, Lasers, and Holography for Everyone – part 1

Vector, Vol. 35, No. 2 (December 1970 – January 1971)

Light, Lasers, and Holography for Everyone – part 2

Vector, Vol. 35, No. 3 (Spring 1971)

A Simplified Holographic Interferometric System for Non-Destructive Testing

City University of New York Faculty Research Award Program (November 1971)

Preview: The Ultra Dimension

McCalls (June 1972)

A Holographic Brain Model

Book: Holography in Medicine, Published by IPC Science and Technology Press, England (1975) - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Holography in Biomedical Sciences, New York (1973)

The Technological Beatles Define, Talk About, & Otherwise Discuss Holograms & Other Realities

Camera 35, (March 1973)

A Holographic Brain Model

Proc. First International Congress on Parapsychology and Psychotronics, Prague, Czechoslovakia (1973)

A New Holographic System to Correct Vision Defects

Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. (April, 1974)

Comments on Speckle Reduction

Annual Meeting of The Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. (April, 1974)

Commercial Holography Where Are You?

Optical Spectra, Vol. 9, Issue 3 (March 1975)

Holography Provides New Paradigm for Brain and (Perhaps) Universe

Holosphere, Vol. 6, No. 1 (November 1977)

Optical depixelization for electronic image projection

Proc. SPIE 1664, High-Resolution Displays and Projection Systems, 160 (July 1, 1992)

New optical designs for large-screen two- and three-dimensional video projection with enhanced screen brightness and no visible pixel or line structure

Proc. SPIE 2407, Projection Displays, 104 (April 7, 1995)

Real-Depth imaging: a new (no glasses) 3D imaging technology with video/data projection application

Proc. SPIE 3013, Projection Displays III, 214 (May 8, 1997)

Real-Depth imaging: a new 3D imaging technology with inexpensive direct-view (no glasses) video and other applications

Proc. SPIE 3012, Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IV, 282 (May 15, 1997)

True-Depth: a new type of true 3D volumetric display system suitable for CAD, medical imaging, and air-traffic control

Proc. SPIE 3296, Projection Displays IV, 225 (April 17, 1998)

Wide-viewing-angle floating 3D display system with no 3D glasses

Proc. SPIE 3296, Projection Displays IV, 186 (April 17, 1998)


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